Thursday, November 10, 2011

Set a Purpose for Your Personal and Financial Goals

By: Bahiyah Shabazz, MBA, Fabulous & Money SavvyCoach

“Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what needed to be. Don’t think that you’ve lost time. There is no shortcutting to life. It took every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time.” ~Asha Tyson

Everyone has a journey that he or she must endure.  As parents, we want to make sure that we are able to protect our children from harm.  As we attempt a barrier from what we expect to happen, what about the unseen? 

The future financial concerns, undervaluing personal development, and deterioration of self-esteem are situations that most never prepare for.  As parents, we must remind ourselves the best preparation is to encourage children and ourselves to embrace change. 

At times, you question your path, where it led you and why.  It’s not for you to question; it’s for you to conquer.  This is the same for your financial quest.  Everyone wants to be debt free without a plan to get there.

You must have a purpose for your goals.

·         To retire without any delays.
·         Create an emergency fund.
·         Pay for children’s college.
·         Take a dream vacation.
·         Open your own business.
·         Pay off all debt.

Whichever one tickles your pocket serves a purpose. First, establish your financial purpose and your personal growth will soon follow. Next, think of what you can do within reason to accomplish. Lastly, challenge yourself to stay on the path to success.

This may seem easy until you have to address your behavior toward finances.  Yes, in order to change your pockets and portfolio you must change your outlook. Know and believe that you are worthy to live a life without concerns.

Once you address your vices and how you can cut corners…it’s moving forward from then out. Take the monies you are now saving and deposit into your financial freedom account. Now you have ammunition to do whatever it takes to perform your task.

Believe me, once you create your purpose and stay on path, you will fulfill your goals in no time.  Remember, this isn’t the time to keep up with the Jones anyway.  You didn’t get into your financial dilemma in one day and you won’t accomplish all your goal(s) in one day either.

Be patient and remind yourself of the reward.  Post a reminder where visible to encourage yourself to accomplish your personal and financial goals.

“Love yourself enough to support yourself.”

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